Five+ Reasons to Shop at Trader Joe’s Before Your Thru Hike
I LOVE Trader Joe’s and am so happy that they have finally come to Florida. We used to stock up when in Atlanta, including packing out some cases of wine for friends. If you have never been to a Trader Joe’s, check out their website. They don’t sell on line, but they do tell you about their philosophies about value, great food, Hawaiian shirts and an iconic brand of vino better known as Two-Buck Chuck!
So, my five plus reasons are…..
1. Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Almonds
They are amazingly wonderful. And at 430 calories for a half cup (with 32g of fat, 38g of carbs and 9g of protein) they are just what we need to power us up that mountain.
2. Trader Joe’s Montmorency Cherries
These cherries are totally addictive for something so healthy. Nutrition-wise they also pack a hefty punch – just a third of a cup has 160 calories, 36 grams of carbs and 3 grams of protein.
3. Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
My very favorite stocking stuffer that I try to ration till New Years. No need for rationing on the trail – and just 12 pieces provide 720 (YOWZA!) calories with 44g of fat, 84g of carbs and 8g of protein.
4. Trader Joe’s Salami Sechi
This salami comes with two to a package and is shelf stable for about 3 weeks – check the date when buying. Just 4 ounces has 440 calories with 32g of fat and 32g of protein. It also tastes wayyyyyyy better that the usual options available in convenience stores or Wal-Mart.
5. Trader Joe’s Sopressata Salame
This salami is shelf stable for about several months until opened – check the date when buying. The calorie counts are about equal to the Salami Sechi. Ditto the taste.
And for the bonus – for that pre-trail party, pack out a bunch of Two-Buck Chuck.
Even though it is now nearly 3 bucks a bottle, it is an amazing value. TJ’s also carries other wines and beers that are priced very well.
There are a bunch of other TJ foods that I have never tired before, but will before I hit the trail. I would love to hear your faves as well.
Bon appetit!
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Comments 3
Two words: Cookie Butter.
Yep, Cookie Butter.