Food, Glorious Food
Moms nurture.
It’s what we do. When my daughter Sarah said she was going to thru-hike the trail… ok, I was scared. Now I am not.
I am energized by her commitment and ready to help. But what can I do? I can nurture. With food. I have turned trail meals into a post-doc study of sorts. I am testing recipes (I have written several award-winning cookbooks, ALL of which require a full kitchen). I am sourcing ingredients. I am dehydrating things I never imagined could be dehydrated, and I can make more meals out of couscous than most people would ever want to know.
Let my research and resources be your good fortune. I will share recipes, thoughts, ideas, comforting, high-calorie successes and the inevitable disaster. And my feelings about my daughter taking on this adventure. Invite your parents to join me and comment, so that we can all learn from each other, and take heart in the fact that we have raised courageous souls who are about to embark on the trip of a lifetime.
I have to say that in my case, the apple hasn’t fallen too far from the tree–I have rock climbed all over the US and taken her with me on adventures that have raised the eyebrows of many sane mothers. And we have always eaten pretty well. So that’s my contribution. For now, know that she has given me a few challenges in the food category–like how to get olive oil into her pack without jeopardizing the rest of its contents. I found 1/2 ounce packets of organic EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) that she can carry and I can send in re-supply boxes.
Next time: She wants to make pancakes. REAL pancakes.
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