From School to the Appalachian Trail

Hi! My name is Eric, but out on the trail, I’m known as “Faith”. As I sit here, just hours away from boarding my flight to Atlanta to kick off my Thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, my heart is brimming with excitement and anticipation. This journey represents the culmination of a lifelong love affair with the great outdoors, rooted in my upbringing amidst the enchanting desert landscapes of Las Vegas. From the rugged canyons to the endless skies adorned with twinkling stars, nature has always been my sanctuary—a place where I find solace, inspiration, and a profound sense of connection to something greater than myself.

Lovely little stretch in Washington

As I’ve journeyed through life, my thirst for adventure has only grown stronger, propelling me to explore some of the world’s most magnificent landscapes. From the rugged beauty of the Pacific Crest Trail to the towering heights of Mt. Kilimanjaro, each adventure has left an indelible mark on my soul, shaping me into the person I am today. But it was my experience on the Pacific Crest Trail just two years ago that truly ignited my passion for long-distance hiking and solidified my trail name, “Faith”.

Mt Kilimanjaro

Summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro with friends!

Reflecting on my time on the PCT fills me with a sense of nostalgia and gratitude for the incredible memories made and the lifelong friendships forged along the way. It was on those winding mountain trails that I discovered the true meaning of community and the power of unwavering faith. Despite my lack of experience and expertise, I took a leap of faith on that first day of backpacking, trusting that each step would lead me closer to my destination. And it was that steadfast faith that carried me through every challenge and obstacle, reminding me that with God, all things are possible.

Pacific Crest Trail

Reaching the Northern Terminus on the Pacific Crest Trail!

Now, as I stand on the threshold of another legendary trail—the Appalachian Trail—I am filled with a sense of wonder and excitement for the adventures that lie ahead. While juggling the demands of school, I’ve seized every opportunity to explore and make a difference in the world, from teaching kids to ski to planting trees in far-flung corners of the globe. And now, as I prepare to embark on this epic journey between my junior and senior year of university, I do so with a heart full of gratitude for the opportunities that have led me here and a spirit hungry for the challenges and triumphs that await me on the trail.

Cute waterfall in Oregon

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