Goodbyes Are A Bitch

An excerpt from my journal:

This whole process has been so overwhelming. When I first decided to do the AT, I was so angry at the world. All I wanted to do was leave. Now that the time has finally come, my heart aches to stay.

I don’t think anything worth doing is easy. I’m going to Georgia, and I am going to start the Appalachian Trail. It feels good to go and no longer be running away. Instead, I’m walking toward a goal. Toward Katahdin.

Goodbyes are a bitch. But how great is it that I have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. I feel so loved by my family. By my friends. I am so lucky.

Cheers to the next chapter and being so scared out of your mind but doing it anyway.

Trail updates to come,




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Comments 5

  • Pamela payne : Apr 16th

    The photo of you & your brother speaks volumes……without ever saying a word.

    I admire you so much.

    Praying God’s protection over your every step.❤

    • Florencia Loncan : Apr 21st

      Pam, I am so so grateful for your support! Thank you for your prayers ❤️

  • Doublepack : Apr 16th

    Great post! Looks like you are super focused to achieve your goal. “Cheers to the next chapter and being so scared out of your mind but doing it anyway “-👍💪😎

    • Florencia Loncan : Apr 21st

      Thank you so much!

  • Dee : Apr 22nd

    Good luck. Enjoyed reading your post, and maybe your trail name could be Uncle Fester. LoL


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