Hiawassee or bust!
Day 13
Hiawassee 0 miles – AT mile 69.4
Card of the day – The Tower
So it’s a town zero day! As is becoming the norm we had breakfast at Huddle House. It’s a nice enough chain and the staff were friendly enough. Laundry was done whilst scoffing down on bacon eggs and hash browns. After that it was off to the Outfitters – Trailful – which was very cool and very new. What I would say about the place is it’s top end gear at top end prices.
Underhill needed to upgrade his sleep system! Kerching!
Now considering I thought we looked relatively normal, every now and then cars would pass honking their horns! It’s a hiker friendly town and it’s their way of showing support.
In the supermarket Underhill and I were stopped by a lady, Vagabond, who had thru hiked in 1994 and again in 2013 (when she was 70!), she told us “don’t do more than 12 till after Hot Springs and take some of the side trails”. She was an incredible woman, so friendly and happy to talk.
Kegstand went to the hospital to get some one to check on her knee, $200 later all she had some pain killers but really no solution, she was told it was an over use injury and what did she expect the Dr to do!
That afternoon we went to the brewery at the end of town and I was introduced to Elote! Aka street corn. It’s a no from me. It was corn covered in a cheese crum and some kind of spicy rub.
Still we had good Beer, live music and I did a few Tarot Readings for some hikers.
Day 14
Card of the day – Knight of Wands
Another Zero! Sorry, not sorry. It was due to get below -2c over night and as much as Underhill had brought new gear, none of us were looking forward to that. Essentially we were hiding from the cold.
Instead we watched The Ballard of Ricky Bobby. Underhill and Kegstand are giving me a first class American Cultural Education.
That evening we were introduced to Hiawassee’s best bartender – he actually made some nice drinks!
Underhill pointed out that it don’t take much to be the best bartender when there are only 3 bars in town, one of which only sells beer!
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