Highs and Lows of Week 1


That was quite a week.

I am currently at mile 69 at the Top of Georgia Hostel. I feel like I have grown and been humbled already.

I am on my way to becoming Mountain Goddess Warrior, but I sure do have a long way to go.

My first night at camp I walked around with dirty water in my pot for almost half an hour because I wasn’t quite sure how or where to dispose of it. But eventually I mustered the courage to ask someone and he said just go 100 ft away from camp. I have met a handful of other newbies out here and it is nice to know I am not the only one going for zero to hero status.

The hiking has been so beautiful but the hills are real. I have been with a guy I met at the hostel the first night and he has been a  great friend to have on the trail. Unfortunately he lives up to his trail name “Sprinter” and I am pretty sure he is going to leave me in the dust soon.

My highlights so far have been, singing and dancing while walking through the beautiful wilderness. Meeting great new people, and impromptu camp fire and star gazing night, pulling 15 miles up and over Blood Mountain to be greeted with Pizza and beer. Getting to my first hostel and showering. Oh and the realization that I am in this and actually doing it, for real. That it is not a dream anymore but I got myself here. and night hiking!!

I am happy to know so many life lessons can apply to what I am doing out here. That you are in charge of your journey and circumstances. You are in charge of the people you surround yourself with, your mentally state is up to you and you alone and you and you alone are in charge of taking care of your body. A long time ago I realized humor, flexibility and patience are my best friends and the trail is no different. You always get a choice if something is going to be funny or not.

My low lights have been foot pain, being stormed into a shelter with 15 other people for 20 hours and realizing that even though my mind and heart are in athlete mode— my body is not. Yet. Oh and hanging that bear bag is no easy feat. But I am learning, just like any skill it takes time and practice.

But I want to just keep going with gratitude in my heart and take it moment by moment, day by day. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, I don’t want to get greedy with mileage. I just want to relax and enjoy this experience. It is fleeting and for right now I am just so happy to be here.

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Comments 10

  • Sandra : Apr 4th

    Awesome! You GO GIRL!! Totally looking forward to hearing more from you and am rooting for you, enjoy the trail.

    • Leah : Apr 25th

      Thank you SO much!!! It has been amazing out here.

  • emily sue : Apr 5th

    Loved this post! Your excitement and happiness shines through your words 🙂 keep making us women proud out there!

    • Leah : Apr 25th

      Awww, thank you!!!!

  • Gary Stell : Apr 5th

    Nice to hear that you’re enjoying the trail. There’s so much to see and take in. Take it all in! Take pictures, but take more pictures of the people you meet than the mountains. Living memories are the finest kind! Happy Trails

  • Firehound : Apr 7th

    Fantastic, You are living my dream. Enjoy everything, have fun, Day by Day you’re getting stronger. So I’ve read, Don’t be afraid to take a zero. Good Luck, keep putting 1 foot in front of the other and Live every moment.

  • Diana : Apr 7th

    I’m so excited for you! You have a wonderful attitude, and I can’t wait to hear more of your trail reports. You’re living the dream of so many of us.

    • Leah : Apr 25th

      I want everyone to live their dream, it has just been amazing. So grateful to be here. Thank you!

  • Frank Miller : Apr 7th

    Great inspiring post!! stick with it enjoy every day and I do believe that mountain goddess warrior is in your future!!

    • Leah : Apr 25th

      Hahah, YES!! That is the ultimate goal.


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