Yes, I know that the featured picture is upside-down. It was on accident but now I’m keeping it that way since, well, because of the levity of this post. I mean, come on, who doesn’t enjoy a little humor and wit every so often? If you’re having a rough day, read this and chuckle to yourself.
I present to you now… 30 #HikerProblems:

1. I got 99 problems and finding flat ground for my tent is ALL OF THEM.
2. Hiker box is filled with things I’ve already left in previous boxes.
3. I missed the only shuttle to town by 2 minutes.
4. Someone set their tent between the only two trees at the camp and I have a hammock.
5. My zero turned into 10 miles of town walking.
6. I really should have put a name on my crocs.
7. Body glide. Enough said.
8. I missed trail magic because I was hiking too fast.
9. My tent neighbor’s dog food looks better than my food.
10. The privy has a loooong line.
11. What’s my real name again?
12. Town weather is GORGEOUS. Trail weather is HORRIBLE. And now I feel like a wimp.
13. I have ten toes and eight toenails.
14. Bear bag is more so that I don’t eat through the night.
15. After climbing straight up, Albert Fire Tower has a fantastic and breathtaking view… OF… FOG.
16. Trying to catch up with people you didn’t know you already passed.
17. Friend at home: “Let’s meet up in PA! When will you get to the Harrisburg area?”
Me: “Um, May?”
Friend at home: “Well, can you make sure it’s a Friday?”
Me: “I don’t think you understand.”
18. After three pack shakedowns my pack still is half my body weight.
19. Some punk put rocks in my pack as a “prank.”
20. I’m losing weight so fast my hiker clothes don’t fit anymore.
21. Found out in the trail register that three other people before me have the same trail name.
22. Anyone else feel like the orcs from LOTR are chasing them? No? Me neither.
23. Women finish looking like an Amazon, and men finish looking like a POW… And I’m a guy.
24. Came into town to pick up my new pack from REI on Tuesday only to find it won’t arrive till Friday.
25. After thru-hiking a few days I feel like I have the skill set of MacGuyver, so where’s my tv show?
26. Accidentally did a 540 on the trail looking for a white blaze and walked in the wrong direction for 1/2 a mile. (Thanks, Corky)
27. Just chugged filtered water from a stream and look up to see someone soaking their blistered feet.
28. I instinctively look for white blazes to lead me around town.
29. My solar charger for my phone means nothing in the rain.
30. Haven’t written a blog for Appalachian Trials for two weeks because I got caught up in the experience of actually doing the trail.
And now it’s your turn… Let’s get this hashtag started!
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Comments 4
Those orcs, though…
I think I’ll start putting white blazes in my house. Nice hash tag. 🙂
Great sense of humor! Happy trails!
I love fog. Few months ago I got out of bed (you know, one of those comfy things that must be a faint memory for you or at least an endangered species 😛 ), saw heavy fog, got my day pack and did an unscheduled 5 hour walk.
It was 5AM. It was dark. It was lovely.
Happy trails, sir.