Jetlagged in Paris
I met Lucky in our hotel room in Paris yesterday and then we attempted to sleep off jetlag and travel fatigue. Lucky succeeded; I didn’t. I’m guessing that I’ll sleep well tonight.
Today we hiked a couple of miles to the Eifel Tower, and then climbed it.
I hadn’t initially been thinking of getting to the start of the trail via Paris… my Spanish is acceptable (to me, anyway) and I can get by in German… but despite my lack of French, it was a good choice in terms of both cost and of overall logistics.
I’ve on occasion heard stereotypes about Parisian snobbery, but everyone I’ve interacted with here has been kind, patient, and friendly. I’m happy to be here; obviously Paris requires and deserves more than one full day (!), but c’est la vie.
We take a 5 hour train trip to Bayonne tomorrow, where we’ll meet up with Milky.
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