A Lesson Already Learned Without Taking A Step
So I finally got down to Georgia! Using planes,trains and automobiles, I now lay in my bunk at the Hiker Hostel mentally preparing myself for what’s ahead (Thanks Zach) and going over the awesomeness of the past few weeks. When I was reading Appalachian Trials, one of the ideas that was mentioned was you should tell as many people possible about your trip for a few different reasons that I won’t divulge here-go read the book!
Regardless of what the exact reason was, I was hesitant to tell a lot of people as I’m a pretty quiet person and don’t like telling people about my business even if it’s something as cool as thru hiking the Appalachian Trail. Then I thought about it and I thought to myself, ‘Why not?’
So I started to tell everyone-coworkers,friends,families, people on the street, anyone who would listen and you know what? The response was overwhelming. People thought I was crazy but they had my back and supported me and it has been such an overwhelmingly positive experience. Knowing that people that I’m close to and those who I don’t know personally who still send messages of support is another level of confidence that I didn’t know I had.
So as I lay in my bunk and think about tomorrow, I still have some butterflies in my stomach but reading the texts and listening to voicemails people have left me, those butterflies are disappearing into the Georgian sky and all thats left is a smile on my face and the confidence with that I can do this-one step at a time.
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