Mental and pre trail preparations!

Hello! Welcome back, thought it was time for an update!!

Mental Preparation

I’m sure I’m not the only one who also struggles with this subject. Sometimes do you just think you aren’t mentally equipped to walk 2200 miles? As an overthinker, I have thought that. What if I fail? What if I have to resign from a good job and don’t even finish!!?? What if I only make it out there for a week and end up not liking it? All the freaking what ifs??? I’m learning to flip that around and say to myself well, what if it that bad thing doesnt happen? What if everything turns out just fine?

I have been trying to do a lot of personal growth during this anxious time. I’m so ready to step on the AT and just grow as a person! Apparently this trail will make you do that! So how am I doing that?

First off, I started reading Zach Davis, the one and only, his book Appalachian Trials. And I’m doing everything that he suggest in that book.

I’m really focusing on my whys. Why am I doing this? I repeat them to myself everyday! I also feel like the time is just going by fast and slow at the same time.. If that makes sence. Im anxious.

2 month pre trail preparations

So I’m leaving in April! There’s just little things I need to do now. One is getting a music subscription, also getting a Venmo account, etc. I’ve tried like 4 different pairs of shoes. It’s nothing too big and I could leave now with out those things. Which is another thing, I keep thinking I have all my stuff, Ill just start NOBO in two weeks lol!!! “I’m still working and those last few paychecks will be nice!” That’s what I’m saying to myself to stick with the original plan! Lol!!!

My job does know now! That was a big moment it felt like. You know yup things are getting real!! I’m working up until April 7th and leaving for Harpers Ferry 6 days later! I still am like shocked, like I’m about to go walk the Appalachian Trail! And I’ve been telling everybody! Honestly I get emotional thinking about it, crying almost.  My emotions have been more intense here lately, but in such a good way. I just haven’t been able to explain it. Anyone else?

Also, Ive been trying to be more social! I led a group hike this past weekend in the smokies. 4 out of the 9 girls showed up! That’s a win in my book! And it was really easy to talk to them, another thing I over thought and turned out just fine! I was so nervous, Im very socially awkward, and this was a good step for me! Just getting out of my comfort zone. And it was a blast, I will do it again!

Well thank you for reading!! I’m going to try and start posting once a week from here on out!

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Comments 4

  • Jan : Feb 8th

    We will be thinking about you and wishing the best!
    If you do not like it, just continue your day hikes, nothing wrong with that. Check it off the bucket list.?

  • Crossword : Feb 17th

    I did a flip flop last year, starting from Rockfish Gap. I live in Maryland so feel free to reach out if I can be of any help when you get to Harper’s Ferry! Stay focused on the why’s! Much more productive than thinking about the what ifs.

    • Samantha Zabawa : Mar 9th

      Thank you! I’ll keep that in mind when Im up there!

  • Prophet : Feb 19th

    I feel there’s too much emphasis on the psychological portion of preparing for a thru hike. Your main daily job is simply to walk from point A to B and meet the needs to do so. Food, water, shelter location, and the miscellaneous items required are the only “needs” with the rest of the time being “free” to enjoy yourself in the woods. You’re free to think what you want, do what you want and especially, love the trail magic. Easy Peasy.


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