Officially an Appalachian Trials Blogger!
I just found out that I am going to be an official blogger for Appalachian Trials. I’m both elated and nervous. I’m elated by the promise of trail magic and nervous because I’ve never been a blogger. I’m elated to share my experiences and nervous because I don’t want to bore you. The only other time I’ve attempted to blog, I discussed baking – tips, tricks, and great recipes as I eschewed box mixes and started experimenting with unadulterated flour and sugar. This is extraordinarily different. I’ve never blogged about what I’m doing, thinking, feeling, and experiencing – which is at least part of what is going to happen here as I prepare for this overwhelming adventure and then strike out on the trail with nothing but my pack.
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Comments 1
Rachael, So happy you are hiking the AT! Lynn and I hiked the AT just about every weekend when we were in school in Johnson City TN. Hump Mt and Roan Mt are two very beautiful places. Our friend Sutton Brown and his wife Beverly have a hostel, the castle, in Hampton TN. If you land there tell them you are a friend of ours. We just saw them a couple weeks ago.
Happy trails,
Gretchen Loudermilk