Pine Grove Furnace, A Tiny Trail Angel, and Enjoying Southern PA
Hi Gina, I told you there would be a blog about our adventure and your being such a cool trail angel.
Pictured: Gina, 5'1, next to Bags and I, 6'7. She was on a stool.
As for the rest of my readers, Bags and I are pushing through PA. We ducked out of the rains this week after passing the actual halfway point. There was also this confusing sign.
As we walked past the 1100-mile marker, the day was spent watching a group of young 20's take on the half-gallon ice cream challenge and visiting the ATC Museum. Here is a photo of said thru-hikers about to throw up their ice cream:
Poor guys. The storms were looming, so we would hop over to the Ironmasters' Mansion, a centennial structure and beautifully crafted domicile, for the night.
The ATC Museum was also located in Pine Grove Furnace.
In the morning, most of the group from the day before went for a dip in the lake and met a few section hiker families. I stayed in the shade as the heat was still in the 90's and had sunburn. Upon leaving Pine Grove Furnace, we were caught in a downpour. We persisted and met an unexpected trail angel in Gina, a Harrisburg local.
Talk about one of the coolest people out here. Gina offered us a spot to crash and then proceeded to share her car, home, and cats! Gina had been dealing with insecurities over her job, weighing to even join us for a bit once we reached New York. We all talked late into the night about everything from our futures, the AT culture, and Bags' hostel plans. She fed us and then allowed us to explore around Harrisburg with her car while she was at work. We checked out the Bass Pro Shop for new shoes but they fell short on size 14/15.
How Did You Sleep?
We apparently looked "so cute". Who took this photo?
Bags was also sprawled out. We slept hard.
It's very comforting to see people who still trust others enough to be willing to open up their homes; especially two big old teddy bears. We even got to go on our double date to a sushi spot and have fish for the first time in forever!
Thanks Gina for being awesome. Can't wait to have you meet us up for a few days in New York. Onward through Pennsylvania and the other side of this rock pile!
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