Stones, switchbacks and views!
Day 20
Deep Gap to Betty Creek Gap 12.2 Miles. AT mile 97.4
Card of the day – the Hierophant
It was hard to get out of bed today. They call it the vortex, when you get to comfortable in town. It was necessary for us to hit town after the bear bags, and it was a moral boost seeing our friends on the second day, but it was probably a luxury to far in hind-site, and town is always expensive. Still with Elie now back on trail, it also gave him a day extra to catch up.
On the second day we had Mexican for lunch and beers in the brewery with 2 sisters from up north, Chris and Slip and Slide. Tiny Tank’s (one of the sisters) mentioned that her Grandmother is reading my blog, so shout out to you Grandmar!
I’m sure Kyle, he of I hate hiking fame, was in the bar last night! It would have been far too uncool to go up and ask though, and with a name like Cool Breeze I’ve got a lot to live up to (apparently there was another much loved Cool Breeze on the trail a few years ago who now does trail magic!)
Town was good though, we also hung out with Guide Book on the first night and Gozmo, Cheeto et al were staying at our Motel. There must be a wider group of about 20 of us that started around the same time that keep bumping into each other.
Back to the day job!
We had a 10am shuttle booked with Sherper Al. I honestly can’t praise this guy and his team enough! They have looked after us so well. He got us back to Deep Gap, and off we went to do the 0.9 miles back to Standing Indian and the scene of the bear crime!
Along the drive in my ears kept popping, and that was a bit of a theme for much of the day.
Today can mostly be summed up by stones, switchbacks and views! Long ass up’s and lovely long downs! You really get a false sense of security on the long winding downs or flat bits, and then the trail sends you climbing, reminding you who’s boss!
We had lunch at the top of Standing Indian Mountain, and as usual Kegstand lived up to her name. But what a view! Arguably the best of the AT so far.
I was also reminded of the benefit of a well placed leaf! Especially when collecting water. At one point we decided to go 0.2 off trail for water which was silly as we passed over loads! But hay ho it was a good opportunity for a pack off break! Only you remember how heavy they are when you put them back on!
After over 12 miles, it feels good to be in camp! By far our longest day yet, and out latest, not getting in till after 18.30. Still of this is the day job, I really can’t complain.
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