Tell Me Why

I Can’t Believe I’m Doing This

My flight out of Denver is delayed, and all I want is to get to the trail and start walking. I’ve got the plane with the raccoon, and take it as a good omen. I’m still in some disbelief that I’m actually doing this, but have so many reasons.

I Contain Multitudes of Reasons

I don’t recall when I first considered thru hiking the AT.  Growing up in Vermont I saw hikers frequently and was always envious.  Now I’m 50, and the reason have piled up.  I’m sure this list will be incomplete.

Check off a bucket list item

Reconnect with nature

Vitamin D

Fresh air

Manage stress

Become part of a community

Acquire a trail name

Challenge myself

Live simply

See the stars

To work on my physical and mental health

Digital detox

Give my wrists and shoulders a computer break

Improve my focus, hopefully to the extent that I can read again

Because my mom wanted to do it but never managed to, and wants to see me do it

For my kids, who will miss me but will someday fully appreciate the experience of seeing their mom out pursuing a dream

To have time for myself.  Moms are always “on”.  For this trip I had to think ahead and plan all the kids’ appointments, create a list of all their important phone numbers, and I’ll likely be managing some of this from the trail.  I also tried as best as possible to mentally prepare my kids for my extended absence.

To gain strength to better deal with life’s challenges.  Our parents are getting older.  My husband and I are getting older.  As a female and with societal expectations that I be a caretaker and with a background in a caretaking profession, I anticipate a lot of responsibilities falling on me. I’m trying to prepare myself to handle the workload.

So that I will always have something to talk about at parties




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Comments 1

  • Ellen R : Mar 15th

    Best of luck to you on the AT. Laughed out loud when I got to the end of your list of reasons for hiking. Thanks for sharing.


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