Waiting for My Time to Come

Heyo! My name is Emilia, and I’ll be thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail (AT) this year. Welcome to the blog!

I have dreamed of hiking the Appalachian Trail since childhood. I grew up camping, hiking, kayaking, running, and taking road trips across the country with my family. (Featured photo is my first backpacking trip with my dad and sisters in 2012!) While I was in college, a couple of my friends thru-hiked the AT (shoutout to TB and Footloose ‘2020!!). I lived vicariously through their Instagram posts, inspired by their adventures on the trail. It was through their experience that I realized I really wanted to thru-hike for myself.

In the years since, I have told just about everyone I know that I’m planning to hike the Appalachian Trail. Now I’ve graduated college, saved up my money, and drafted my itinerary. After months of preparation, research, and waiting, I don’t think I will ever feel ready. I cannot walk, pack, or plan enough. But my spirit is eager to begin.

Little Emilia in the Smokies, 2009

Why the AT?

I’m drawn to the trail for a variety of reasons, two of which being the lifestyle and the people. In contrast to the time-oriented, productivity-focused, fast-paced life that most of us live, the trail asks little in the way of daily responsibilities. Every day, I will walk, eat, and sleep. Here and then, I’ll write a blog, buy some groceries, and answer a few text messages. I will go to sleep when the sun does. Maybe I’ll wake when it rises. I will drink (filtered) water from streams, just like the deer. I will be quiet and listen to the sounds of nature proclaiming their Maker. My legs and lungs will grow strong as buds break through the ground. It’s a different way of life. Though difficult, I believe it will be refreshing.

I also look forward to the people I will meet along the way. We are all unique individuals with irreplaceable stories. Everyone has something to offer, whether it be a listening ear or a new way to make ramen. I wish to learn life lessons from your childhood, your culture, or simply the difference between your experience and mine. We walk in the woods for a wide range of reasons, but many of us feel a pull or call to the solitude of the forest. One can’t help but wonder what or Who awaits us there.

Little Emilia with her family in the Smokies, 2009

Almost there.

In their song, “Waiting for My Time to Come,” Colony House writes,

I’ll wait here when my light is low
I can give a little time for this dream to grow
So I’ll wait here when my light is low

I’m just waiting on the seasons to change
Waiting for the curtain to fall
I could lose my cool
Like a restless fool
But I’m waiting for my time to come

Winter is fading. Keep dreaming, little Emilia. Your time has nearly come.

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Comments 4

  • Charles Gutierrez : Feb 18th

    Georgia is tough, you are tougher. It is in the low light we become more aware of our surroundings and maybe our feelings. I wish you well on your journey and am interested to watch you travel North. You might catch up to me, as you can see in my posts I ‘m swimming as fast as I can. Good luck and Godspeed!

  • Doublepack : Feb 19th

    Best of luck from a fellow Hoosier! Looking forward to reading about your journey to Katahdin. I began section hiking in 2012 and hope to complete my hike of the AT in 2025. Enjoy the experience and have fun!!

    • Emilia Grunden : Apr 3rd

      I appreciate your support, Doublepack! I love the perspective you bring as a section hiker. This is dedication!

  • Emilia Grunden : Apr 3rd

    Boomerang!! My friends and I are cheering you on! We are so enjoying the trail.


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