Howdy! I’m Gabe. I am a… Househusband? Digital Nomad? Professional bucket-lister? I guess so, maybe. I’m currently in Bucharest, Romania and not having any luck with my part-time quest to hunt down the elusive herds of vampires that supposedly originated here (I’m convinced HBO has hired them all and moved them to Louisiana to handle the stunt scenes for True Blood). Time for a more realistic goal. This will be the third time I’ve hiked along the Appalachian Trail, but I’m determined to keep hiking until I figure out who I am and what I want to be when I grow up (or I get to Katahdin). I firmly believe that the pen is mightier than the trekking pole. Armed with an ApplePencil (affectionately known as Slim) and a trusty iPad Pro (Gertrude), I will force those 1000ft summits into submission (I’ve received written assurance from a very reputable source that there won’t be any ascents greater than this), and tame the ferocious tribes of bearded backpackers that inhabit the brown strip of paradise known as the AT. If you’re still hungry, you can find additional digital sketches and pebbles of wisdom at www.almostunsalvageable.com.
What do wildfires on the AT have in common with hybrid cars?
I’m still reeling from the number of wildfires on the Appalachian Trail this year. Not only were there an unusually large number of wildfires, the
A tribute to a few Trail Legends
If you include the 8.8mile approach to Springer mountain (and I certainly do), then I've just hiked 119 miles of the Appalachian Trail. These miles
Blood Mountain: 1000’s … Hikers: 0
A few days of (mostly) northbound AT hiking brought me within reach of Blood Mountain. Legs aren't working right. My breath sounds a lot like an
Just when I thought I was out…
...the Trail pulls me back in. (I don't know what the triple-word-score equivalent for an Appalachian Trials Blog is, but finding a way to
Trapped in the “happy” zone
During the first several hours of an 18hr transatlantic flight from Romania back to the states, I felt like I was flying away from the important
Looks sketchy… But I’m doing it anyway
Howdy! I know, I know. I’m supposed to say Salut! because I’ve been in Romania for the past few years or Hola! because southern Spain may be our
From Romania with love… (kinda)
Pe curand Bucharest! While your traffic may not reach the same decibel levels and anxiety-inducing road rage as Istanbul, you’re well on your way to
What are some of YOUR Big Moments?
You know those moments, big moments, that you’re sure will change the world? I had a brilliant idea to make a collage of some recent big moments –