Backpacker Radio #213 | Andrew Terrill on his 7,000 mile journey from southern Italy to northern Norway, encounters with The Mafia, and battling snow in the Alps
In today’s episode of Backpacker Radio presented by The Trek, we are joined by fellow Goldenite, Andrew Terrill. Starting in 1997, Andrew walked more than 7,000 miles from the southernmost point of Italy to northern Norway, an 18-month journey across the wild parts of Europe. Needless to say, learning about this unique and fascinating trek is the focus of today’s chat, as we learn what inspired Andrew to take on this route that no one had ever done previously, how he was received by locals throughout his journey, standout stories from his adventure- including running into the Italian mafia, his favorite stretches of trail, and how this journey helped him overcome his social anxiety. This hike is unlike anything we’ve ever featured on the podcast, and we think you’ll really enjoy learning more about Andrew’s story.
We wrap the show with news of a giveaway The Trek is hosting, featuring nearly $15,000 worth of backpacking gear, what our “liked it before it was cool” brags are, the Triple Crown of things that are the modern-day cigarette, and an epic listener email on the legality of stabbing people who enter your tent.
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Interview with Andrew Terrill
Time stamps & Questions
00:04:55 – Reminders: Support us on Patreon
00:05:54 – Introducing Andrew Terrill
00:06:31 – Tell us about living in Golden, CO
00:07:04 – Why Golden instead of other Colorado cities?
00:07:59 – How did you meet your wife?
00:10:23 – Were you appreciative of the email addresses?
00:11:14 – What was the inspiration for your journey?
00:14:25 – What were you doing for work at the time?
00:15:28 – Did you get any support in quitting your job to hike?
00:17:10 – Can you tell us the scary story from the Pyrenees?
00:20:36 – What injuries did you get?
00:22:58 – How did that experience not make you shy away from hiking?
00:23:50 – Did you dread sharing the news of your fall?
00:25:02 – It’s 1997, how did you plan the logistics?
00:27:58 – How many times was the lucky coin unlucky?
00:29:26 – Did your fall make you want to pursue risk more?
00:31:07 – Tell us about being warned of the mafia
00:34:10 – Do you speak Italian?
00:34:32 – Was the threat of the mafia present through the full trip?
00:36:32 – Tell us about your gear back then?
00:39:30 – What happens when you leave Calambria?
00:40:51 – What mistakes did you think you made?
00:42:12 – Tell us about getting lost?
00:45:42 – What were the logistics of camping on this journey?
00:48:26 – Why did you get turned away from the hotel?
00:50:52 – Tell us about the shepherds you met along the way?
00:55:28 – What there a specific turning point?
00:56:25 – Tell us about your encounter with wild boars
00:57:41 – Any bear or wolf encounters?
01:01:23 – How did you overcome your social anxieties?
01:08:12 – Do you attribute your hike to resolving those anxieties?
01:09:22 – Tell us about hiking through the Dolomites
01:11:36 – Were there other historic sites you stumbled upon?
01:12:30 – Can you give us more specifics about the route you took?
01:13:50 – How do you handle the Alps in the winter?
01:20:41 – Is it challenging to plan food resupply?
01:22:15 – Were you ravenous after this journey?
01:22:45 – Did you have any unique culinary experiences?
01:23:54 – What types of freelance work were you doing for money?
01:25:03 – Did you ever lose any film?
01:25:38 – If you could highlight a 50-100 miles stretch in each of the countries, which would you recommend?
01:28:14 – Are there polar bears in the arctic?
01:29:08 – What kind of wildlife is there?
01:30:01 – Did you deal with short days in Norway?
01:30:36 – Did you have trouble sleeping?
01:30:52 – What should we ask you?
01:33:34 – If someone wants to follow your route, what advice would you give?
01:35:00 – Books: The Earth Beneath my Feet and On Sacred Ground
QOTD: What was your “I liked it before it was cool” brag?
Trek Propaganda: It’s Still Summer Giveaway
Stupidest thing of the week
Happy National Raspberry and Cream Day
Triple Crown of things that are the modern day cigarette
Cinnamon Court
Mail Bag
5 Star Review
Check out our sound guy @paulyboyshallcross.
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Our theme song is Walking Slow by Animal Years.
A super big thank you to our Chuck Norris Award winner(s) from Patreon: Alex & Misty with Navigators Crafting, Andrew, Austen McDaniel, Austin Ford, Brad & Blair (Thirteen Adventures), Brent Stenberg, Christopher Marshburn, Coach from Marion Outdoors, Dayne, Derek Koch, DoGoodPantry, Eric Casper, Erik Hofmann, Greg McDaniel may he bring honor to his name, Liz Seger, Matt Soukup, Mike Poisel, Morgan Luke, Patrick Cianciolo, Sawyer Products, Timothy Hahn, and Tracy “Trigger” Fawns.
A big thank you to our Cinnamon Connection Champions from Patreon: 12 Trees Farms, Dcnerdlet, Emily Galusha, Jake Landgraf, Jeanne Latshaw, Jeff LaFranier, Joann Menzer, Keith Dobie Jr, Kelly Heikkila, Matthew Spence, and Peter.
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