Day 35, 36 and 37
Day 35
8.4 miles to Pawling, NY. We passed the biggest oak tree on trail. Over 300 years old, the Dover Oak. Pawling was nice, they will let you camp at the community center. There was Logan, some section hikers and Garmin! Logan was a joy to talk to. He is finishing his triple crown. So he let me ask a bunch of questions about the PCT and the CDT. And that was when I realized, this won’t be my last thru hike! I’m going for that crown! So something weird happened in the middle of the night, there was a drunk guy. Don’t know who he was or anything but at 2:17 in the morning, I heard a commotion. “If you come around here again, Ill shoot you!” Then I heard another voice, not sure what he said or if it was even real. I listen to true crime when I hike, so I was like hmm maybe a nightmare?? Than I Logan and he had heard it also. We also did laundry in that town and tried a chicken cutlet sandwich for the first time!
Day 36
14ish miles. It rained so much today! I said goodbye to Logan, he is a northbounder so I thought I would never see him again. But guess what! The rain slowed him down, and I saw him again. So of course I asked a bunch of questions while we shared a shelter from the pouring rain!
Day 37
18ish miles. The rain had stopped thank goodness! Luckily I have a really good tent, and I have no issues with condensation in my tent! The people I’m hiking around have a single wall tent, and they wake up wet a lot! Oh guess who I ran into? LOGAN, wow I got to hike and camp with a triple crowner for 3 days! My mind and body are feeling great!! Especially since I have decided to go for the crown! This isn’t my last thru hike!!!
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