Why the JMT? [mile -2,867/211]
As with all my barely-laid plans, I can't remember why I wanted to hike the JMT. I hiked and loved the Long Trail in 2012, and was aware of the...
Beginning my Southbound Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike
I'm writing the beginning of this article as I ride a coach bus into downtown Manhattan, New York. As it pulls away from the curb leaving for Boston, my heart...
Hart’s Pass – Canada – Hart’s Pass
July 22 Spent the night at Lions Den Hostel with Birdy one last time before starting this trip. I got a ride up to the pass with Mary who runs...
The journey to PCT SOBO completion…
…and the journey wasn’t a straight line. Allow me to share what the past 7 months have been like. In Dec of 2021, I “completed” the bulk of my PCT...
Guess who’s back?
It’s me, Janine; Sofa Queen, if you’ve met me on the trail. I’m back! Apparently I couldn’t stay away. Last year, I set out to complete a SOBO thru-hike of...
You're invited to read along as I walk along the Appalachian Trail. (First backpacking selfie, 2015) WHO: Hi, my name is MG. I’m a first-generation Filipina-American woman and I’m privileged...
The Fear is Real…
I’m realizing I get scared easily on this thru-hike. Is it because I am alone? Is it because the trail is difficult? Is it the unknown that awaits me in...
Ore-Gone But Not Forgotten: Skipping Around Fires and my 50 Mile Day
Well, that's depressing. I just calculated how many miles I've actually hiked versus how many I have had to skip (below). While I knew the general ballpark it's painful to...
My walk through Washington
As a semi-recent college graduate with two degrees, one in the natural sciences and one in the humanities, I figured I would present my experience walking through Washington state on...
Views and Bugs: Northern Washington in a Nutshell
Here we are nearly two weeks into this grand adventure, and it already feels like too much has happened to recap! I'm currently taking my first zero day (day off...