The Day I Met Cat Tracks
Location : Key West IAP
While walking from the Key West NAS billeting, I eventually sat down on a low wall to get my bearings.
Not long into that break, Kat Tracks loped by at a comfortable pace.
Kat completed the AT in 2019 — I think. Honestly, she was a such a good information source that it’s all blurring together.
After chatting for 20 minutes — at least, we continued on towards the Key West IAP.
This is the location the Greyhound dropped everyone off last night … at 1900. (‼️). A bench is (conveniently) located along the sea wall across the street from the IAP. This is a good location to eat the Firepot breakfast 🥞🍳 I reconstituted earlier in the morning.
Grading on a pass-fail basis, I’d buy this meal again.
Today’s Goal …
Admittedly, this is an audacious goal. I’ve never attempted to hike 21 miles in a single day. But, hey, what about this ISN’T audacious — foolhardy, even.
I’ve eaten half my breakfast 🥞🍳 while typing this update. After finding my salt tablets, I’ll continue northward.
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Comments 3
I got a text from my friend Nimblewill Nomad whom I had the absolute pleasure of hiking with on part of my thruhike in 2021;) He invited me to Billy Goat Days which he will be at on the 27th. I am sure you probably know about this gathering of Florida Trail hikers – and about Nimblewill who did what you are attempting twice! (check out his books – Ten Million Steps). Anyway i can’t make the Billy Goat thing but if you see Nimblewill there tell him””Hi” for me!! And check out his blog. I am featured in some of his posts from his last AT hike when he became the oldest ever thru hiker. We did the southern part of Maine and the Whites together.
Kat, is this the information you have for 2024’s event?
1301 Tropical Ave, Chuluota, FL 32766
Kat, thanks for your post!
I’m just now receiving it on 1/10 — and boy do I need to hear from a friendly voice. Today I feel lonely and the weather is gray.
Traveling exclusively with someone would probably get old due to differing speeds, etc. However, occasionally encountering a cohort of other trekkers — perhaps a loose posse, would be comforting.
— HW