For the First Time in My Life
…someone told me I should drink coffee.
Usually it’s “I don’t drink coffee”, “Well don’t start”. But I was told that I really should try Eight O’clock coffee.
Tomorrow the journey begins.
(Well, more like ten minutes and it’ll be today.)
It’s been a year since I decided to take on this challenge and in the morning my parents and I take off for Georgia. We’ll stop halfway to see family in Virginia and be in Dahlonega Sunday evening. Monday will be a nice day at Amicalola Falls State Park, a good dinner and then the Hike starts Tuesday morning.
I might need that coffee.
The year went by pretty fast, really. I’ve packed and unpacked a dozen and a half times in the last few weeks, but I believe I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. This post is just about the last thing on the list. Although, I did plan on having it done back in September… I can only imagine what I’m forgetting. I’ve felt like I’ve been scrambling all day; trying to be sure everything is set for my parents at home, packing up the last few things, remembering things I forgot to do. I’m almost certain that parts of my gear will change or be sent home. It’ll be an experience of trial and error.
Everyone has wished me luck, stated their worry, even shed some tears. But hopefully it will all be worth it when I return. 2,189.2 miles of adventure and self-discovery. A thousand and one stories to look forward to.
Seriously, there’s no way I’m drinking coffee. The nerves have me wired enough without it.
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Comments 2
Best of luck Alexandra, and I look forward to reading your posts as the adventure and self-discovery opens before you.
Best of luck on your journey. I am starting mine with my son in just 83 days (SOBO) and can’t wait. I am going to have to give up drinking so much coffee (cause I don’t think I can afford to carry that many pounds of coffee beans!) and am not looking forward tot he withdrawal headaches.
I read your “about” section where you mention that you want to find “what anyone else would like to find: happiness.” I just finished reading (for that third time in my life) a wonderful book called Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. For some reason, this time through the book the following quote stuck with me: “For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one’s dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as a by-product of one’s surrender to a person other than oneself. Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it.”
I didn’t mean to get all philosophical on you, but felt the urge to share the above insight. So pursue your journey, enjoy every (good) experience, and endure all the hardship. And don’t worry about finding happiness because happiness will find you…..