In a race with a snake!

Day 56

Mountain Harbour to Mountaineer Falls Shelter 8.8 miles – AT mile 404.4

Card of the day – XX Judgment

This morning was awful.  I was hung over and down.  I’m fairly sure this journey is coming to an end and all I have to do is get to Damascus to get out.  I’ve got a reservation at boots off hostel in two days which means that there is another 18 mile day on the horizon.

I called my mum who asked a fairly simple question.  “What else are you going to do till October?”  I didn’t have an answer.

I do however remember calling my mum from my first Camino crying because I was feeling like this, so maybe it’s just the two month blues or something.

I finally dragged my self out by 12.  The unplanned zero means I’m hiking out with the fellowship, which I think is what I needed today.

The smell of the meadows were so intense, I suppose we are just getting the best of the spring flowers as they bloom and show the world their beauty.

Some times you have to remember to look back from where you came, as the views to the south were just breathtaking.

Before long the promised rain and thunder were on their way.  It can be quite scary hiking in the thunder as if it’s followed by lightning that can be quite dangerous.  I usually do my best to avoid it but there is a full week of it in the forecast.

The trail lesson for today is there is nothing quite like a well placed duck board.  Some of the ground today was quite boggy and with the rain would not have been fun, but as always the local trail maintainers had done a fantastic job and had us covered with duck boards and bridges.

We passed two lots of beautiful waterfalls, Jones falls, just off the trail and Mountaineers Falls that you cross over.  I’m glad I took the side trail to see Jones falls, as it’s not something I always do, but this one was worth the 0.2 miles.

As I hiked on I was chased by a snake!  The small little brown guy and I both jumped when we spotted each other and unfortunately for us both ran in the same direction.  He was probably more scared that I was but I don’t mind saying I let out a little scream!

The rain seemed to bring out more of those orange lizards and salamanders.  They just sit there at the side of the trail, taking it all in and enjoying the rain.  I rained for 3 hours, I didn’t even bother putting on my coat.

I got to the shelter as was soaked.  Little Bear made my day by telling me I had 24 miles to hike tomorrow!  And I was starting to like her!

The rain broke by 6 and I was able to set up my tent.  I would be leaving early to get to the hostel.  The rest of the fellowship are booked in the day after, I think some of them plan to kayak on the lake?  Rather them than me.

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