JUMP! 18 Great AT Preparation Hikes
Many decades of participation in multiple sports, including alpine ski racing, cross country ski racing, road cycling, mountain biking, in-line skating, canoeing, waterskiing, swimming, running, and triathlon have taught valuable lessons. Here are two: First, when beginning a new sport, or returning to a sport at the beginning of the season, it is important to pace one’s self. Going out too hard at the beginning is a sure way to cause overuse injuries. Second, the best way to prepare for the rigors of a sport is to be specific in one’s training. The best way to get ready to hike the AT is by hiking! Below are 18 great hikes I’ve done that would be great preparation for your thru hike.

A cool hike in Death Valley California. Robert hikes up a narrow passageway in Surprise Valley on the way to the ghost town and former silver boom town of Panamint City.

HIgh winds resulted in a failed attempt to summit Mt Elbert, Colorado’s highest mountain. Still a great preparation hike assending about 4,500 before turning around in defeat.

Hiking to the Young Lion Castle ruins north of the village of Tallistan, Azerbaijan. The day hike finishes in an almost vertical climb of the overgrown castle walls.

Looking down at our mountain “swimming hole” from the Continental Divide , this time, approaching Chicago Basin from the east.

Ready for a hike from Mingechevir, Azerbaijan to the tops of the mountains overlooking the Kur River Reservoir. From L to R, Robert with Peace Corps colleagues colleagues Iain and Steven.

Hiking the top section of Elk Creek Trail in Colorado’s San Juan Mountains. Early October finds winter-like weather.

Backpacking the Escalante Route in the Grand Canyon. Rated by Backpacker Magazine as the second best multi-day trip in the U.S.A.

Robert near Indian Hollow campground on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Preparing to descend on the Thunder River Trail to Deer Creek Falls on the Colorado River below.

Climb to the top of Grey’s Peak, Colorado for top elevation of 14,278 feet and great aerobic conditioning.

Climb the James Teachen Trail from the town of Qax, Azerbaijan for sunset camping on the top of Ulu Bash Dag, just south of the border with Dagestan, a semi autonomous region of Russia..
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