You know the saying a photograph tells a thousand words? Well…I just love capturing the outspoken beauty. The Beauty on the Appalachian Trail—it’s deafening.
My name is Krystian Repolona aka Snap on the trail. I recently completed my journey on the A.T and decided to bring my camera along to document my adventures.
This post is a montage of some of the photos I created during my journey on the A.T. They span the range of states, seasons, subjects, and time of day—in no particular order.

Listen closely…

Avery Peak.

Milky Way over Mizpah Hut.

Getting Close with Nature in the White Mountains.

Trail Days 2016 Drumaroo.

Hiker + Small Watergun vs. Kids + Big Water Guns at Trail Days Hiker Parade.

Mt. Washington in the Distance.

Lays Trying to Stay Dry.

Jelly Ankles at Black Rocks Summit VA.

Theo Leading the Way Through the Snow in GSMNP.

A Walk in the Woods—with Snow.

Watch out for the Yellow Snow.

Polar Bear in His Element.

Sock Drying Duty.

Sunrise at Max Patch.

Max Patch.

Big Country Heading into the Great Foggy Abyss of Baldpate Mountain.

Khaleesi aka Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the Unburnt, of the Blood of Old Valyria, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Queen of Meereen, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons.

Blue Navigates His Way on One of the Smoother Sections of PA.

Maine Boardwalks.

The Real Hiking Viking aka Jabba.

Cheetah with the Grayson Highland Ponies.

The Horns VA.

Slam Just Being Herself.

50 Shades of Green.

Peanut Butter Patiently Waits for Jelly to Start Their Day of Hiking.

Honeybuns at Upper Goose Pond.

Home Is Where You Pitch It.

Northern Lights at Antlers Campsite.

Sunrise at Antlers Campsite.

Fall Canopy of Maine.

South View from Baxter Peak.

Saddle Trail.

The Tablelands.

View from the Top of Abol Trail.

Mr. Bird’s Casper Van in Its Natural Habitat.

Glastonbury Mountain Firetower Sunrise VT.

Milky Way and Shooting Star over Bromley Mountain Summit.

The Leavers in Awe of the View atop Mt. Moosilauke.

Summit View from Blood Mountain.

Neels Gap Guardian.

Frost Colored Glasses.

McAfee Knob Sunrise.

The Lookout.

Sunflower Answering the Call from the Mountains.

By-Lunch-Time Trying to Stay Warm atop Wayah Bald Tower.

Frodo posing for the cover of an Outdoor Magazine at Wayah Bald.

The Mists Embrace Under the Milky Way.

Sunrise from Franconia Ridge.

My Summit Photo at Mount Katahdin October 7, 2016 at 4:20am.
Thanks for checking out the gallery!
If you want to learn more about Snap and his latest adventures, you can visit his personal website/blog at Hikes.Camera.Adventure and Instagram
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Comments 26
Great stuff, thanks for sharing!
Gorgeous work Snap! Can’t wait to get back out there!
Thanks, me too!
Wow. Awesome. Amazing. Gorgeous. They aren’t the proper words, as the words don’t exactly fit, but you’re 100% correct, each picture is worth 1,000 words.Love your work!
Hi Greyhound’s mom! I met two Greyhounds on trail. One was from KY, I’m just wondering which Greyhound it is. Sometimes words aren’t enough either ?
You have an amazing talent! Thank you for sharing these fantastic photos. 🙂
Beautiful. Fun to see several people and a couple dogs I met on my hike, too.
Really awesome and Inspiring! I just finished my PCT thru-hike and your photos make me want to start planning for the AT! Keep it all going, thanks!
That’s awesome Mary, congrats. Let me know if you have any questions.
Great shots!
2 questions
How did you get up to the summit on Katahdin at 4:20 AM?!?
I started hiking up at midnight. What is the second question?
These brought me to tears. Next time someone says, “but why?” when I tell them I attempted a thru, I’ll just link them here. Thank you.
Your welcome! Seeing is believing for some folks.
Fantastic & Inspirational–thanks for sharing.
Those are incredible shots. What a talent you have. Thanks for spreading out the noise for everyone to hear!
Snap! This is Kelly (Sleeping Beauty) and these pictures are PHENOMENAL. Please remind me the type of camera you use? I’m thinking of getting a used camera for the remainder of my thru-hike – any suggestions? You’re great!
Thanks Sleeping Beauty, I use a mirrorless camera. Sony A7Rii with a Sony 24-70 f2.8 GM lens and Rokinon 14mm f2.8. I recommend a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera set-up. DM me on FB or IG and I can give you a few suggestions based on your budget and desired perspective.
SNAP! These photos brought tears to my eyes (good ones from awesome memories). Thank you so much. You are a spectacular photographer. ~Xtra-tuff
Thanks Xtra-tuff! It was Xtra-tuff keeping up with you the one day, but I managed to snap some photos. I’ll send you some previews soon.
Wow great photos! Did trail magic with the Allentown hiking club this year at bake oven knob parking lot, P.A. I remember peanut butter and jelly and slam( wow could they slam back some cokes!) gave slam a new headlamp they were night hiking a lot and she lost hers, hope it worked out for her, was just wondering if they made it to Katahdin? Also Remember princess peach and mountain goat I know they made it Mt. Goat had blogged, but was wondering about Heeler from I.N. He Was thinking about biking back home and also Earnhardt(dead ringer for dale jr.) from Mass. If anyone knows what happened to them it would be great to know, thanks!
Wow! Those are really stunning pictures!
I met Peanutbutter and Jelly on my hike of the Long Trail. Last time I saw them was at North Station in Boston where he was going to take a couple days to see his family, before heading back to VT to finish up the AT. Do you happen to know if they made it to Katahdin?
Love the photos and hope your PCT hike goes just as well as your AT hike. Planning on doing the PCT 2018 myself so I’ll be checking in to see how it goes!
Unfortunately I don’t know the ending for Peanut Butter & Jelly’s AT Journey. The last time I saw them was somewhere in NY. Thank you for the well wishes on the PCT!
hey snap.found your photos on line .i met you at the yellow deli .i work here. hope we see you again soon
Beautiful shots ! I’m certainly inspired to get out there .