Mental Preparations for a Thru-Hike
Anyone who has told a person their plans to a attempt a thru-hike has inevitably heard the response, “Why?”
And I would not doubt that many, like myself, would like to reply, “Why not?”
Obviously, having a reason to walk from Maine to Georgia (or vice-versa) other than “why not” is going to be important during my/your time on the trail.
Here are a few of my WHYs:
- Time to think. That sounds awfully vague as I write this, but there are a lot of things on my mind! In the normal day-to-day there is a lot of noise, which can have quite an impact on our decisions. I look forward to the time for self-examination and contemplation without those distractions.
- Get back into Nature
- Now is the best opportunity I may ever have to do this, and I have the support of my husband (and dog)
- Me vs. the Trail – this is a challenge for me to conquer, and I want to prove I can do it.
- Why not?!
As I began my thru-hike planning, I of course stumbled upon, where I again and again came across recommendations to read Appalachian Trials, which I finally did after putting it off for months. I already had my list of “Why,” but I found the additional exercise, making a list of what it would mean to me when I did finish the trail and a list of what it would mean if I didn’t finish the trail, significant in my preparations; my reasons for wanting to hike became less murky pond and more glacial lake. Prior to reading Zach Davis’ book, I’d never considered “what if I don’t finish,” but only faced my hike with the sheer determination to finish. Listing the benefits of the hike and what I hope to gain “when I successfully hike the Appalachian Trail…” strengthened my heart & soul’s desire to complete the Appalachian Trail.
The first thing that came to mind was my relationship with nature; I feel I have too often taken the beautiful landscape around me for granted. I spent nearly twenty years of my life surrounded by the Cascade and Olympic mountain ranges and rarely got out to explore them. I want to reacquaint myself with nature, and hope that my time on the AT will rouse me to explore the wilderness trails across the United States (and world).
When I complete the Appalachian Trail, there is no doubt I will be filled with an immense sense of accomplishment; I will know I can do anything if I set my mind to it. I will know I am a badass! Along with my badassery will undoubtedly come a pair of killer legs. I’m looking forward to being a badass with quads of steel.
I also expect that at the end of this journey I will possess a much greater appreciation for my husband’s love and support. Please, don’t take this the wrong way, as I already immensely appreciate his love and support. BUT- I’ve never hiked over 2,000 miles on my own, with him and the dog meeting me along the way to resupply and encourage me. I can’t anticipate how much it will mean to me.
Much like with physical preparations, I feel there is only so much I can do to “get my mind right” (as Coach Tony would say) before I hit the trail. Here are the ways that I am mentally preparing myself:
- Know my why and the consequences if I fail
- Physically prepare so that my mind never has to question my body’s ability
- Accept things as they come, and understand no amount of planning will prepare me for actually being on the trail.
- Remember that every moment is part of the journey
I am currently within a month of my planned start date, and my mind is more at ease than in previous months. Hopefully this is a sign that I am as prepared and I can be!
More soon!
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Comments 4
Hi Megan! Are you not getting an awfully late start for a thru hike on the AT ?
Hi there Bob! I may be getting a late start, but I am still “in-season” for a SOBO hike. You can see on the AT registration page that myself and at least 16 others are registered to start SOBO Aug 1 or later (
That actually seems like a great time to start… You should be hitting peak foliage for a good chunk of the hike, in some gorgeous parts of the country. I’m definitely going SOBO when I get the chance to do the Trail.
By the way your alts one amazing inspiration to me.