Pinhoti Trail: Flag Pole Mountain and into Georgia

Day: 25

Yesterday’s Goals:

Get to the halfway point, to Georgia and the shelter! Of course, have fun doing it!

The sunset my boy and I shared

Activities of The Day:

My visitors stopped coming by around 1:30 this morning, and then at 8:30ish, I had another visitor. This visitor is a hiker named Lake; he is doing the Eastern Contantial Trail, so we should see each other off and on for the next several months. After we talked for a while and he had a snack, Lake continued down the trail. I packed up and started walking sometime around ten.

I found a small waterfall again, so here you go.

Waterfall picture

Shortly after that was the halfway point to the Northern Terminals.

Half Way of The Pinhoti Trail

I then passed this sign that put some things into reality.

Mileage Sign

At the top of one mountain was a “campsite.” In reality, it’s a view, and the ATV people go there to hang out. This is a massive playground for them, that’s for sure!

The Playground


The beginning of the day was not bad. Then, the Alabama Trail Association started their send-off to Georgia! In this part, if you lose the trail, look for the nearest rock garden, and you will be back on it.

The Start of The Rock Gardens

At the top of a mountain that is not Flag Pole Mountain is the most beautiful scenery ever!

Flag on Top of Fake Flag Pole Mountain

The view was fantastic, too.

View From The Fake Flag Pole Mountain

From there to the Georgia border, there was nothing but rock gardens with a minimal clear path to the next.

The Continues Rock Gardens

I then started the descent into Georgia! A nice wide path that is easy to travel, perfect!

The Georgia Alabama Border

From there to the shelter was a nice wide path; that made the miles fly by! Once I got to the shelter, Lake was there. I would have thought he would have moved to a (actual) lake down the trail since he got there so early. We talked for a while, and he was unaware that some old road walks had moved to actual trails. He would have continued on if he had known before getting everything set up for the night.

I ate dinner, set my sleeping area up, and tried to relax and stay warm. Then, the Georgia welcome committee showed up.

The Georgia Welcome Committee

She is a great dog; when she arrived, she kept looking back for her owners cause the look on her face was like where are they? I thought they were coming, too. She hung around for an hour or more and gave lots of long tongue kisses. I love puppies, and she was a very welcoming pup.

Take Into Account That I Forgot to Take This Picture and the Time Change From Central to Easter Time Zones


The Rising Moon

What’s Ahead:

Tomorrow is going to be a short day. I only plan to hike about seven miles to a lake/pond area to camp. Then, it’s a two-mile road walk into Cave Springs. I have set up a reservation at the Hearn Bed and Breakfast for two nights. I also set up a shuttle to take me to a trailhead on the other side of the road walk.


To hike seven miles to a lake/pond outside Cave Springs.


Mileage of the day: 9
Mileage on Trail: 180/350
Days on Trail: 25
Number of Zero’s: 4
Number of Nero’s:4
States: Alabama, Georgia
Trails completed:
The good: I hit the halfway point of the Pinhoti Trail AND walked into Georgia!
The Bad: Even though I got through them, rock gardens were everywhere today!

Thank you for following along!

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