Pinhoti Trail: Rain Zero on The Trail

Day: 35

Yesterday’s Goals:

I want to hike about twenty or so miles tomorrow.

Activities of The Day:

Last night, as I stated, rain started falling as soon as I got to the campsite. The rain did not stop until five this afternoon. I had trouble falling asleep because of the rain. When I woke up this morning, I said, “Nope, not going to happen,” and went back to sleep. Around ten, I woke to rain still falling on the tent.

I called family and friends today, took a few naps, and watched one movie on Netflix. Once the rain stopped, I went and got water from a nearby creek and got you the picture of the day.

Creek Waterfall

I called my son and talked to him for an hour before cooking dinner. After finishing my movie, I called my other son. Now, I am doing this and will go to bed here shortly.

What’s Ahead:

There is a good climb right from the start tomorrow morning. Then, the trail levels out for a while. There are ups and downs, and I’ll make it over them. I hope for a big mileage day tomorrow and the next few days. Only time will tell. I can tell you my feet don’t hurt anymore, and my knee wants to participate in walking again.


I want to hike about twenty or so miles tomorrow.


Mileage of the day: 0
Mileage on Trail: 311/350
Days on Trail: 34
Number of Zero’s: 5 (no miles hiked)
Number of Nero’s:4 (less than five miles hiked)
States: Alabama, Georgia
Trails completed:
The good: Sleep and relaxation
The Bad: Felt lonely
Thank you for following along!

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