Pinhoti Trail: The Finish

Day: 40

Yesterday’s Goals:

Finish the Pinhoti Trail

Activities of The Day:

I woke up this morning multiple times freezing! At eight, I started packing up and was walking close to nine. IF you recall, or if you read it, my first night on this trail, my tent poles froze together. Well, this morning, I was greeted with frozen socks and shoes! Everything was packed! My stove is always on the bottom because it’s the last thing I need and is the last to come out of the bag at the end of the day. I sat there thinking of how to warm my shoes because I have one extra pair of socks. They were nice, cozy, and warm because I slept with them last night.

I saw the leaves outside my tent were wet and in the sun. Put your shoes in the sun. This is going to take a lifetime! What can I do besides unpack? Sit on them your butt is warm! Sure enough, a few moments later, I was wearing shoes and taking my tent down. What a morning! I must be at a particular place at a specific time, which must happen!

Five miles equals about four hours. I was still good! BUT WAIT! This knee is going to slow you down! When I talked to the driver, he told me to take my time and that he would be there.

I was upset. I got some encouragement through this trail sign, though.

Encouraging Sign

After I passed it, I calmed myself down, saying, it’s going to be okay, you’re ok, everything is okay, just walk, that’s all you have to do. I put my head down and started limping down the trail. I refused to look at the map, knowing it would discourage me. I couldn’t look until eleven when I should be at the terminus.

So I found you all your last Pinhoti little waterfall.

Small Waterfall

The descent down to the valley was torture on my knee; the sight in front of me made me feel better.

First MacKay Tail Sign

I took enough pain medication this morning to make a miniature horse happy. I was still feeling every twist, pull, and tug; anything that involved my knee was still well-known.

I had the incorrect thought that this would be my last Pinhoti water crossing. Boy, I was wrong!

Water Crossing

Then the sign!

BMT Sign

NONE Given At The Northern Terminus

NONE Given Starting The BMT

The Amount of Time It Took To Get Here

OK, OK! After walking around and getting lost yet again, I found THIS. Sign!


Alabama, when I picture a hiking trail, THIS is what I picture!

BMT Trail

I came out on the road where I was meeting the shuttle, but no one was there! I started throwing a hissy fit until a jeep made itself known. I took off my pack, sat down, turned off airplane mode, and received one text while looking for the driver’s phone number. IF you did not notice in the pictures, my phone had very little power left. Well, I hit the driver’s phone number and poof, the phone died!

Now, I do have my tablet with me; that is what I am writing to you on. I’m old, and writing on a phone will not work for this blind guy! I sat there for a while thinking, considering, do I really want to unpack my whole pack just to get my tablet? Gear was everywhere! I was not happy! I guess it’s essential to say I would meet the driver at Dryer Gap. I pulled up the map on FarOut, and this is what I saw:


I see a structure to my SW. I pack everything up and go downhill to this area. When I got there, I was told by a sign that I was at a campground that was not named Dryer Gap. The good news is I was able to get rid of weight by throwing away my trash. The bad thing was that I still needed a ride, and I had no clue where I was, let alone where the driver was. Oh yeah, my phone is dead! The trees started echoing my loud, obnoxious vocal cord noises! I pulled everything back out of my pack to get my tablet, but maybe I missed something. Right when everything was on the ground (less than two minutes after the trees copied everything I was saying), a truck pulled down the mountain and up to me. Hum, it was the shuttle! Guess what? He had pulled up to where I had come out of the woods moments after I walked down the mountain. I WAS at the right place! Kind of I should have walked uphill, and there would have been a trailhead for me to hang out at.

He said he has done this enough times that he knows people don’t sit still for long. He came down to make sure I wasn’t down there. What a wonderful person he is!

What’s Ahead:

I am not ready to tell you yet! As you know, my knee has been bothering me for the last few weeks. Nothing seems to be making it better besides large amounts of pain meds and not using it. At this time, I am suspending my hike. I will be back! I am not done! For the last forty days, I have been in pain in my feet, my knee, my knee. I need to have it examined and ensure I haven’t done something terrible. The plan is to heal up and get back out here. I am not thinking of the AT at this time. I want to check out some not-so-big trails. I think, like the Pinhoti, they need to be shared. I want to do that. I also have other ideas, so who knows? I know I will keep you updated. I hope to be back out there soon.


Heal up and get back on the trail!


Mileage of the day: 5
Mileage on Trail: 350/350
Days on Trail: 40
Number of Zero’s: 6 (no miles hiked)
Number of Nero’s:4 (less than five miles hiked)
States: Alabama, Georgia
Trails completed: PINHOTI!!!
The good: Finished the Pinhoti Trail
The Bad: Weak knees

Thank you for following along! I shall return as soon as I can!

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Comments 15

  • Harry Poppins : Mar 17th

    Congratulations on completing the hike.

    • None Given : Mar 18th

      Harry Poppins, thank you! I enjoyed my hike and am happy to share it with you! Thank you for following along! I will be back in the coming months.

  • Flash : Mar 17th

    Congratulations on finishing 👏 🙌. Physical therapy is a way of life if you’re planning on staying active in the future. I’m 61 and run half marathons. I do my physical therapy exercises daily and see my physical therapist monthly. Painkillers will eventually give you stomach problems so hopefully you can find a better solution for your pain. But for now enjoy your big accomplishment!

    • None Given : Mar 18th

      Thank you for your comment and concern, Flash! I agree that medicine, in general, isn’t great for our bodies. Flash, truthfully, I wouldn’t be taking pain meds if I didn’t “have to.” I was not and wouldn’t quit that trail. Now that I am home, I can be in pain and let my body do its thing to recover. I am sure you know one has to do what one has to do to finish what they started. I would have belly-crawled to the finish line if that is what it would have taken. PT is also a great enabler! I stretch/rub/massage the affected area as much as possible, as it helps immensely. Flash, thank you for your comment. I greatly appreciate it!
      Also, I hope you don’t find this reply rude or whatever it wasn’t meant to be.

      • Flash : Mar 19th

        I would take pain meds if I was in that much pain, and I have in the past. No judgment here. Now my stomach can’t handle it.

        Hopefully you are on the road to having stronger knees for your future hikes. I have been seeing many posts on The Trek in which hikers are having great success with an online physical therapist who specializes in hiking related injuries. Something like Blazephysiotherapy. It might be something to consider. Best of luck!!

  • Jules in NY : Mar 17th

    Good plan! Take some time, get yourself well. Hoping to see you hit the trail again soon. Good luck.

    • None Given : Mar 18th

      Jules, thank you for the comment! Don’t go anywhere, just like on TV. This “season” is over. The next one will start as soon as I can walk again! LOL

  • Steve : Mar 17th

    Congratulations on finishing the Pinhoti trail. If you are looking for smaller trails than the AT, the Benton Mackaye trails is a good one, as is the Bartram Trail in NE GA and into NC. It also intersects the AT.

    • None Given : Mar 18th

      Thank you, Steve! Yes, the BMT is high on my to-do list! As it turns out, one of the many plans I thought up while planning my hiking career was to start on the BMT and then hit the AT. Now, I can do that and have the Pinhoti under my belt. I am so delighted I could do the Pinhoti Trail, as it taught me much about hiking. I was able to grow and not have tons of people around me. I have not heard of the Bertram Trail. I am going to have to look into it. I know there are several trails in the Smokey’s, NC, SC, and VA that I want to do. I will get to them. Time is all I have, and hiking takes up that time. Once I heal up, I’ll be back at it. Once again, Steve, thank you for your comment!

  • Sara Kanani : Mar 17th

    Congratulations on finishing the Pinhoti Trail. I have very much enjoyed reading your posts. I like your writing style. Best of luck and healing for your knee.

    • None Given : Mar 18th

      Thank you, Sara! I greatly enjoyed hiking the Pinhoti Trail and meeting the people along the way. Sharing this experience with you and everyone else was also a great experience, and I am thrilled that I did it. Don’t go anywhere, just like on TV. This “season” is over. The next one will start as soon as I can walk again! LOL!

  • LeoYermo : Mar 18th

    As you posted: “Heal up and get back on the trail!”
    Great. Good on you and congrats to the hike completion.
    PLEASE keep us posted on your Knee and recovery. Lots of us are in the same situation.
    Here and Instagram if I can talk you into it.
    I sure have enjoyed following vicariously.
    Good walking to you, always

    • None Given : Mar 18th

      Leo, thank you for commenting! I am missing writing to you all. Last night, I scheduled a post for tomorrow (Tuesday) about what I am thinking. I don’t know how long it will take me to get back out there. The planning is for my next adventure is going good though.

  • Wiggily : Mar 18th

    Congratulations on finishing. I’m sorry your knee has been acting up. Hope you are on the trail again soon, if you want to be.

    • None Given : Mar 20th

      Thank you Wiggily! It’s going to take time, longer than I want it to. I’ll be back out there posting as soon as I can. Thank you for the comment and following along!


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