The Ride Home
Day: 0
Yesterday’s Goals:
Finish the Pinhoti Trail
Activities of The Day:
The shuttle took me into Atlanta and dropped me off at the Greyhound bus station after finishing the Pinhoti Trail. From two to midnight, I sat there waiting for the bus to start my journey home. While waiting, I charged all my devices, read Facebook, and wrote yesterday’s post. I did not eat at all yesterday. Why? I thought there would be something around the bus station to eat. Only $20 hamburgers; I am good; I don’t need to see if it’s any good. So I waited till this morning thinking there would be something close to the bus station in Nashville. The nearest was a MacDees, which was over a mile away. That was a very long and painful walk there and back!
When I went to MacDees a little before six, they were open, but the lobby was not. Several people came up to go inside but ended up walking away. Around 6:45, a gentleman pulled in, tried to go inside, and found the door locked. I told him that I had been there for just about an hour. He asked me what I wanted as he was going to go through the drive-through. I told him and tried to give him money for the food. He refused! I moved to the other side of the store so that he could hand me the food when he came by. As the employee gave him his food, another was unlocking the doors. When he pulled forward, I told him what had happened, and he said he’d met me inside and eat with me. I went in sat down, he brought the food over and asked if I wanted a drink as he would get one. Not only did he get me a drink, but he also got two other beverages for people who had come up from Atlanta with me on the bus.
As we started talking, he said I just want to know your story. You are outside in shorts and a thin shirt, aren’t you cold? I was cold just standing there talking to you. I wasn’t cold, and I was pretty comfortable. We had a few things in common: we live in the same town, are close to each other, and want to move to a warmer state. He has sold his properties and is leaving for Arizona after an appointment. We talked for a long while; then, I had to go to get on the bus home. I enjoyed myself talking to him.
The bus ride to my town was quick! I also got some much-needed sleep, as I had not slept since I got up yesterday. One of my sons met me with his mother at the bus stop. We took him back to school, and then she dropped me off at the ER.
I was seen relatively quickly. After talking to me, the doctor went and got an ultrasound to find out if there was fluid under, in, or around my knee. There was or is. He immediately went with the idea it was aspirated and wanted to shove a needle into my knee. Another doctor came down to give a second opinion and said no, this is just an overused, twisted, sore knee. Slap a brace on it and send him home. So that’s what happened. I now have a colossal brace from my thigh to just above my ankle.
I came home and took a long, hot shower for the first time in eight days. I then watched television for a while and had a hamburger. I need to make my bed and take another hot shower before bed tonight.
Oh, my son’s first statement was, “When are you going back?” He is so supportive of this hike. Or he just doesn’t want me around.
What’s Ahead:
Recovery, relaxing, and hanging out with my sons. When I was gone, a dog was added to the family. He is a boxer and pit mix. He and I are going to have to get to know each other. So far we are best friends.
Heal up and get. Back on the trail!
Mileage of the day: 0
Mileage on Trail: 0/0
Days on Trail: 0
Number of Zero’s: 1 (no miles hiked)
Number of Nero’s: (less than five miles hiked)
States: Alabama, Georgia
Trails completed: Pinhoti
The good: I didn’t do any permanent damage to my knee,
The Bad: Weak knees
Thank you for following along! I shall return as soon as I can!
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Comments 10
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Thank you Fiona! I will be back out there as soon as I can. Thank you for your support and following along!
Yah! You are home with only a worn knee! Get some much needed rest and catch up with your sons! What is the newest puppy dog’s name?
Phyllis, thank you for your support! My oldest son named him Cesar I took one look at him and called him Clarence. He answers to it with a side look as he is saying “that’s not my name guy!” He answers to it. Once in a while I’ll call him Cesar he wags his tail and comes happfuly. He still looks like a Clarence to me! Thank you for your comment Phillis!
Looking forward to your return to the trail. I’ve enjoyed your posts. Happy Healing! Enjoy the new dog.
Donna, thank you for the comment and following along! I’ll be back out there as soon as I can.
Glad to hear no damage to knees. Keep us posted. I am going to re-read this posting several time so I get a bit more ‘knee-knowledge’.
Don’t forget to give us a shout-out !
Leo, Thank you! Thank you for following along, for supporting me, thank you. I hope to be back out there soon sharing the trail with you. Thank you Leo!
Enjoy your down time and the conforts of home. But get back at it soon! Thanks for sharing. 🙏
Jen, thank you! I enjoyed sharing the trail with you all! I’ll be back out there as soon as I can! Thank you for the comment and following along!