hiking with dogs

The Sangres: Colorado’s Hidden Gem

The Sangres: Colorado’s Hidden Gem

Between not having cell connection the rest of my hike and moving across the continent, I never posted any updates for the rest of the San Luis Loop (oops!). Rather...

Sep 8, 2020 : PseudoSloth
The PCT Is Calling – My Dog, That Is

The PCT Is Calling – My Dog, That Is

What About Fido?  I am helpless and ridiculously in love with my rescued, and slightly feral, puppy dawned Dingo. She is a one-year-old German Shepherd - Aussie Cattle mix who...

Feb 16, 2020 : Kaitlin Musser
Why I Am Doing a Flip-Flop Thru-Hike

Why I Am Doing a Flip-Flop Thru-Hike

What the heck is a flip-flop? No one who has learned that I’m thru-hiking the AT has been shocked; not in the least bit. In fact, most have wondered what...

Oct 20, 2018 : Christopher Johnson
Hiking with Dogs 101: Choosing a Hiking Dog

Hiking with Dogs 101: Choosing a Hiking Dog

I see a lot of "articles" floating around the web with titles like: Top 10 Breeds of Hiking Dogs, or Which Dog Breed Makes the Best Hiking Dog?  These headlines always make...

Jan 11, 2017 : Stacia Bennett
Great Walks in History

Great Walks in History

The average day of marching for a civil war soldier was 10-15 miles. And when they got to town, there was no resupply. There was no hot shower, other than...

Dec 19, 2016 : Gary Sizer
Exclusive Documentary Pre-Screening: Watch “The Thorough Hikers” Documentary Online

Exclusive Documentary Pre-Screening: Watch “The Thorough Hikers” Documentary Online

Editor's Note: Check out this exclusive online pre-screening of "The Thorough Hikers", a new documentary directed by Maud Dillingham and Cesar A. Becerra.  You can stream the documentary here for

Oct 2, 2016 : Maud Dillingham
Why I’ve chosen to do an ultralite thru-hike

Why I’ve chosen to do an ultralite thru-hike

We'll get to my reasons, but first... A bit about me.   My Dad's pack and mine, before we set out. My name is Kai, I don't want to choose...

Aug 31, 2016 : Kai Meka
A Canine Section Hike

A Canine Section Hike

I've seen a few trail dogs on my journey so far, and they've made me miss my Biscuit terribly. My home is the foothills of the Smokies, so I decided...

Apr 14, 2016 : Laurel "Duchess of Slug" Seus
Three Makes Musketeers

Three Makes Musketeers

"Before you start some work always ask yourself three questions - why am I doing it, what might the results be, and will I be successful. Only when you think...

Nov 1, 2015 : Kimmy Morris
Tales of Trials and Magic Abound! – Part 1

Tales of Trials and Magic Abound! – Part 1

Otherwise known as the "start" of my thru-hike... although it was really more of an intended 5-day turned 3-day shakedown trip (more on that later). This week ended up being...

Apr 6, 2015 : Stacia Bennett