
Walking Thru It.

Walking Thru It.

Hi, I’m Nugget! I like jammy eggs and long walks through the woods. Like, really long walks. Actually, a 2192 mile long walk where my partner, Harry, and I carry everything...

May 11, 2019 : Jessica Olin
Steph’s AT Hike, Days 21-25: Near Fontana Dam to Bluff Mtn

Steph’s AT Hike, Days 21-25: Near Fontana Dam to Bluff Mtn

Overview of days 21-25 of Steph’s Appalachian Trail hike, from near Fontana Dam to Bluff Mountain, NC.

May 11, 2019 : Steph D
Steph’s AT Hike Days 14-20: Franklin, NC, to Fontana Dam

Steph’s AT Hike Days 14-20: Franklin, NC, to Fontana Dam

Trail journal from Days 14-20 on the AT: Franklin, NC to Fontana Dam

Apr 28, 2019 : Steph D
19 Days of Intermission Featuring Florence

19 Days of Intermission Featuring Florence

On the list of displaced people from Florence, it is unlikely that Appalachian Trail thru-hiker might pop up. Yet, we are here. The trail, our home, is closed. We are...

Sep 16, 2018 : Clara Hatcher
Anxiety Ascent: Why I’m off the trail

Anxiety Ascent: Why I’m off the trail

I wake up in my room, surrounded by four walls and my black cat walking over my down comforter. The air conditioning is cool and my bed is soft. This...

Jun 16, 2018 : Ashley Manning
“Bro Culture” and the Thru-Hiking Community

“Bro Culture” and the Thru-Hiking Community

There’s been a lot of talk recently about “bro culture” on long trails and in the outdoor industry in general. Last week, I experienced it firsthand on the Pacific Crest...

May 14, 2018 : Janel Gazelle
Balancing Caution and Bravery: The Sunrise Summit of a Snow-Coated Mt. Whitney

Balancing Caution and Bravery: The Sunrise Summit of a Snow-Coated Mt. Whitney

Upon entering the Sierra in 2017, I was greeted with snow.  Snow that made every peak look more dramatic and all the valleys beautiful.  Snow that made me learn to...

Apr 28, 2018 : Danielle OFarrell
A 70-Mile Section Hike on the Bay Area Ridge Trail: Long Distance Hiking in San Francisco’s Backyard

A 70-Mile Section Hike on the Bay Area Ridge Trail: Long Distance Hiking in San Francisco’s Backyard

Training to hike the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) last year, I walked up and around Twin Peaks in San Francisco. Blue trail signs dotted my route. I was immediately intrigued...

Apr 3, 2018 : Danielle OFarrell
Giggles’ Gear Modifications and Tips for a Thru-Hike That Starts Tomorrow or Is Still in Your Dreams

Giggles’ Gear Modifications and Tips for a Thru-Hike That Starts Tomorrow or Is Still in Your Dreams

Everyone has their own way of doing things on a thru-hike, whether it is how they attach their umbrella to their pack, when they take a break for dinner, or...

Mar 7, 2018 : Danielle OFarrell
Finishing the 48 4000-Footers of New Hampshire

Finishing the 48 4000-Footers of New Hampshire

Facing my fears Let me begin by saying I hate wind. I don't like hiking in it, I don't feel comfortable setting out on open trails in it, and even...

Mar 2, 2018 : Rebecca Sperry