The One With Jarritos

Location : Key West

Stopping Point : MM 10.8

As I prepped to leave Key West for the next island in the long chain of islands, I realized I’ve already completed 5 miles today.  More, actually, if the mileage from the billeting office back to the FT is included.

On the C&O Canal, 5-7 miles was a good day.  The difference between there and here may be due to better (lighter) packing or better physical conditioning (unlikely).  The terrain in each location is identical — flat, with no elevation gain when measured over long distances.

Stopping at Taco Express, a slightly secluded Mexican food truck 🌮🌯 🚒 to celebrate this 5 mile achievement seemed appropriate.

While here, I met Phil — I think, and Georgia, co-workers from the local area on a lunch break.

The Al Pastor tacos 🌮 arrived quickly.  Eating so much food will take a while.

There will be leftovers.

But that’s ok.  I’m in no rush.  There’s nowhere I need to be.  And, this shady spot is wonderful for the soul.

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