Can It Please Get Here Already? Oh, Wait…

Left to Do

Eight hours.

One shuttle.

Two planes.

Three buses.

One day of rest.


my Mom, Nana, and (big) little brother spent the day getting me to the airport as slowly as possible. We ate a good Southern meal, laughed, bickered, and did normal family  things. It was nice. I’m honestly not very good at “family things,” but they know this, so it worked out. My cat was already out and about doing his business when I left today, so I didn’t get to cuddle him goodbye. My little cousin who went to check on the dogs, though, found him and sent a cute little video of her holding him because she knew I was going to miss him. This cute video ends with my asshole cat clawing her in the face…. *sigh*

Everyone Keeps Asking If I’m Nervous

I am, but not for the reasons people expect me to be. I’m nervous for the next 24 hours of navigating public transportation and airports. I’m nervous I’ve screwed up some sort of logistic aspect of this.

Am I nervous about the next few months on the trail? I haven’t gotten there yet. But I can tell you this: I’ve never been more excited for anything in my life. Nothing has ever felt more right. Every hurdle in my path has been struck down. Things are just “working out.”

I Am Thankful for My People

I am thankful for my opportunity. I am thankful for this super comfy hotel pillow.

My next update will be after I have a few miles of hiking under my belt. Until then, I’m going to soak in this hot tub in the swim trunks I borrowed from the hotel lost and found.




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